Tuesday, January 23, 2018

That Guy

That Guy
January - April 2016
(Vegan Negative Level 4 - Lame!)

I met this guy out at an event. He seemed charming and since he is vegetarian I figured I’d give him a shot. He asked me to help him go vegan and that he’d take me out to dinner and we could go over the details of veganism. (This took me a while to pick up that this was going to be a date.)

He picks me up and we go out to dinner, my favorite Thai restaurant, we order our dinner and we get to know each other. It’s nice to go out to dinner with someone that understands veganism, so we talk about what keeps him from going vegan and other topics.
As we started dating and I learned more about him and his interests, he quickly turned into “That Guy”. He started to follow (cyber stalk) me on some of my social media accounts (Pinterest, Facebook, etc.) Oddly, I didn’t have a problem with that part, it was his use of psychedelic stimulants and going to RAVES – living out his Peter Pan Syndrome. (Being 40 and still going to RAVES, living with your mom and acting more like a teenager are the traits of this syndrome. The definition of Peter Pan Syndrome for this post is Puer Aeternus: A pop-psychology concept of a male or female adult who is socially immature)

In fact, this Peter Pan Syndrome spilled over into other parts of the short-lived relationship. I made dinner one night, asking what time he’d be heading over to my place. He told me the time and I prepared the meal accordingly to be ready for when he got there. Instead, he was an hour late and never called to be considerate of my time. By about 45 minutes of him being late, I packed up all the food that has now become leftovers. Then he said that I was overreacting, and that time doesn’t exist. His co-workers told him that he was in the wrong and his mom said I was ridiculous for taking a picture of the table setting and the food before packing everything up. I wanted him to apologize to me for being inconsiderate, and instead he didn’t care……

What he had issues with me was the fact that I wasn’t a participant of such use; and since I was in recovery of my hip surgery I’d get tired by 10 pm and want to sleep and rest. I wasn’t into the idea of starting a party at 11.30 pm.

Mentioning my hip surgery, I was in my last month of recovery when I was in a car accident. In this car accident, I suffered tearing around one of the sutures in my hip, a shoulder contusion and a muscle impingement. Needless to say, I was in need of help to walk my pups and even just getting around the apartment. Well, one would think that they could rely on the person that they’re dating to help in this kind of emergency. He told me “I can’t help you because I’ll resent you for getting stuck in traffic on my way home”. Our relationship was over after that.

I’m looking for someone who wants to be there during the hard times, not just the fun times.